My Danish Christmas Advent Calendar – 3 December (Pebernødder game)

Welcome to My Danish Christmas Advent Calendar!  Join me every day in opening a new door.  Once again I’ve got a host of goodies to share with you – traditional Danish Christmas recipes, traditions, songs, games, decorations, crafts and landscapes…  So sit back, relax and enjoy!


Yesterday I gave you a recipe for making pebernødder (“pepper nuts”) and told you that there’s a game you can play with these small rounds of yummy goodness.  Mus! “Mouse!”

Arm yourself with a (large – it’s Christmas after all!) supply of pebernødder and line some up in a row.  Five, six or seven is a good number to start with…

The first player decides which pebernød is going to be the mus or “mouse”.  Keep it a secret from your opponent!  (I’m just pointing it out here so you get the gist of the game.)

Player 2 starts eating pebernødder.  One at a time.  Slowly.

But if they pick up the one you earmarked, you shout out ”Mus!”  and they have to stop eating.   And that’s the end of their turn – ha! 😛


Then you replace the pebernødder which have been munched – so you have a total of five, six or seven again – on the table.  It’s now Player 2’s turn to decide which one is “Mus” and Player 1′s turn to start eating.  And you keep taking turns until a) you run out of pebernødder or b) you get sick of eating pebernødder…  If you don’t feel you can trust each other (hmmm, siblings, anyone?), then you can cross off your ‘Mus‘ on a piece of paper before your start, so you have proof!

Held og lykke and velbekomme!  And don’t forget to check back here tomorrow when we open the next door!

Diane :)

4 thoughts on “My Danish Christmas Advent Calendar – 3 December (Pebernødder game)”

  1. Diane – a quick note of thanks for all of your posts. I grew up in a Danish home, but not in DK (Dansk mor, Svensk far, og jeg blev fodt i Kobenhavn) we moved all over the world my entire life.
    Everyday what you notice & write about makes me smile because it is everything I grew up with and have taken for granted.

    Gladelig jul to you and your entire family.

    and now…off to bake!

  2. Oh, I'd have to cheat every time, I think! I love the sound of this; I'm thinking it would also play well with shorts of vodka……

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