Crafty Tuesday – Easter Lunch Bunnies

Tuesday is the day I do a spot of crafting. Today is no exception! Here’s your 15 minute craft…something for the Easter lunch table. Super simple  = great for the kids. If you make these bunnies within the next couple of days, they should be fully sprouted with cress in time for Easter. Otherwise you could also fill them up with (chocolate) Easter eggs 😉

Okay, time to set your Flylady timer for 15 minutes and ‘get cracking’ [insert big ho, ho here].

You’ll need:

  • empty milk or juice carton
  • pair of scissors
  • coloured paper or carton
  • glue stick
  • cotton wool
  • cress seeds

Cut down your empty carton.

Fill it up with cotton wool.

Cut out some ‘grass’ from a length of green paper or carton and stick on using a glue stick.

Now it’s time to make a ‘wabbit’. I folded over my paper and drew one freehand. There are plenty of templates and stencils on the net if you need inspiration – just google “rabbit template”.

Cut out your ‘wabbit’ and stick him on to the milk carton. Feel free to draw on eyes, a nose, etc. I like my things pretty plain. Also because I sometimes end up with a Hot Cross Bunny instead of a cute-faced one… But I couldn’t resist adding a little bit of cottonwool for his powder puff tail 🙂

Dampen the cotton wool and sprinkle over the cress seeds. Leave on a warm windowsill for about a week and keep the cotton wool damp. I’ll post another picture when we see start to see some growth 😉

When the cress is sprouted, put your Easter Bunny on the table along with a little pair of scissors and let guests help themselves. Though you might have to explain what cress is to younger guests… I remember one Easter where we put cress on top of our egg mayonnaise salad and DS10 (then just a tot) asked, “Why are you putting grass on my food?” Bon appétit! 😉

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday! 🙂

5 thoughts on “Crafty Tuesday – Easter Lunch Bunnies”

  1. Mmmm Cress! Brings back memories from Junior school! I used some German Garden Cress recently in one of my bentos (The Buzz Bento) and the smell of the cress was quite distinct. Good luck growing your cress… I prefer the idea of filling the box with choccy eggs personally :o)

  2. btw I like your networkedblogs "widget" for Facebook – I have got one now too! Thanks – and sorry for always stealing your ideas LOL :o)

  3. Hi BB! Know what you mean about the smell of cress…very distinctive! lol

    Glad you added the widget – makes life easier, doesn't it? 🙂

  4. Hi JoAnna!

    Glad you like the craft and want to make it! 🙂

    I only share ideas of things that don't take too long to make/use stuff that I already have in the house. Don't need any more clutter here! lol

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