Come on in…the (iced) water is lovely!

A quick check-in from the beach, where I’ve just
been down for my morning swim! :)

Now, as you can probably see from all the white in the above picture, the
snow is still with us here in Copenhagen. The roads are pretty bad today. And
the pavements aren’t so easy to navigate either… ;)

In some places – despite the heroic efforts of the local council gritters
– the cycle paths have completely disappeared.

It’s always best to go and check out the terrain before you start undressing for your
swim because it’s a long, breezy, icy walk out to the pier in your bathrobe!

And today there was – selvfølgelig – plenty of ice on the pier and
on the steps down to the sea…

The steps to the right of the pier were looking a tad slippy…

But as they say, “hvor der er vilje, er der vej” (where there’s a
will, there’s a way)! And we found that the steps to the left were our best
choice today… ;)

And you know what? It felt so good today that we decided that one swim just
wasn’t enough. So we swam twice…

Have a wonderful (watery) Wednesday!

Diane :)